Hott stuff!!! Literally! It was way too hot of leggings that night!!
Check out Andys hair!!! I was sweating so much that you can't even tell that I showed up at the party with bright purple eye shadow (thanks Ruth) and hot pink lipstick (thanks Adriane)!!!
My boss and me. I realized right after we took this picture that I'm giving the "hang ten" hand gesture not the "rock on" one. oops.... Andy assured me that "hang ten" was 80's too. Thanks babe! One foxy lady and one gnarly dude!!! Check out the shoulders on that dude!! We had so much fun painting these with Lisa and Kim!!!We had a DJ at the party that played great music all night long! The game that was the biggest hit was watermelon football. That game is brutal! They greased down a huge watermelon and then they played football in the pool with it!! Ruth, Dave and the boys came by to check out the festivities and we had a blast hanging out with them!
What a fun night! It was great to see all of our long hours and hard work pay off!! Now that it's all over we can start focusing on our Christmas party!!!