Friday, August 21, 2009


Can you see it?? Look closer.....

That folks, is a real, live ALLIGATOR!!! Andy took this picture ON CAMPUS (ahhhhhh!!!!!) a few weeks ago!!! I'll have to have Andy post some gator stories soon..... apparently they like to eat Mike&Ikes!! Who knew?!

Well, we're pretty much packed up and ready for move #9!!! (ok so, a few of those were just across town moves, but still.....) One would think that the more you move, the better you get at it. NOT TRUE!!! How have I gathered so much junk in just a few years? I've made a million trips to the salvation army to drop stuff off and as soon as I get home I find more things that need to go!!! This trip is going to be a little different since this little guy.....

will be riding in the car with us!! Anyone ever traveled looooooooooong hours in the car with pets? I talked to a friend who says she gives hers baby benadryl and that knocks them out?!?! Poor little guy.... tomorrow is going to be a long day!

We are so, so sad to leave Fayetteville BUT we also can't wait to start this new adventure!!! I'll be sure to post pictures of our trip/house/gators as soon as we get all settled!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's been a long time!

One year ago today I made my last blog post! I don't really have a good reason for my long absence... but I will do better! So much has happened in our crazy little family this year! Here are just a few of the highlights....
- the whole Burns family got together in Arkansas! It was a fantastic reunion!
- I flew out to UT with mom, dad and Emily for Heather and Dan's wedding!! Love you guys!
- We added another member to our family!! A PUPPY!! Buddy found us right after hurricane Ike rolled through Fayetteville!
- Andy started his own web design company and built some amazing sites for people, including one for the school where I teach!!
- We spent Christmas in NY with the Bryant fam and were able to spend a few unforgettable days in the city!
- I few home to see Emily Jane play Fantine in the SCS production on Les Miserables! The whole cast was AMAZING!!!
- In May the Burns' got together in Arizona for Eric and Karisa's wedding! We are so excited to have her in the family! Congratulations :-)
- Jeff received his call to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Everett Washington! He was in the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT for 12 weeks where he learned Spanish and he is now out in the field!
- Allie had baby #2, Cameron Burns Vedomske!! We can't even wait to meet him next month! Also, Art and Ev are expecting a baby girl in December!! And that brings the grand baby count up to FIVE!!!
- Harry Potter 6 came out!! wahoooooooooo I'll have to post pictures of our outfits for the midnight showing!!
- And... the biggest news of all.... WE'RE MOVING!!! Andy is going back to school!!! He was accepted at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette! When we leave there he will have his masters in communications! Andy was also able to get a job on campus in the communications department!! I couldn't be more proud of him!!! We have learned so much and had so many prayers answered as we've decided to make this move! This will be the hardest move for us by far! You'd think we'd be pros! We have loved our two years in Arkansas so much!!
Well, that's the sparknotes version of our year! I'm going to better at this blogging thing! I want to get this posted before it isn't the 24th of July anymore! (Happy Pioneer Day mom!!)